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monoklub-25-invite-wwwDear Friends,

mono.kultur has just turned a merry four years old, so we wanted to invite you celebrate with us – and since we’re not the sentimental type, what better occasion than the recent launch of our current issue featuring the thoroughly wonderful Tilda Swinton?

In our interview, Ms Swinton talks about her fascination for the experience of going to the cinema, which she has given new meaning to with her self-organized film festival Cinema of Dreams. And thus, we have asked her to personally select a film she thought you and us might enjoy – and no, we will not tell you what is. So come and see for yourself in a delicious outdoor surprise screening next Thursday evening at Tante Käthe [which is notoriously difficult to find, so please go here for a map].

Needless to say, no evening is complete without some fine drinks, fine people and fine tunes by our DJ Ute.

We’re looking forward to seeing you and your friends,

mono.klub #25
Tilda Swinton: A Place Apart

‘We wanted to experiment with that sense of being taken to the cinema when you are a child, and you don’t know what you are going to see. You go because someone takes you and you trust them.’

Surprise Screening of a Film Personally Selected for You by Tilda Swinton

Launch Party of mono.kultur #21
Tilda Swinton: A Place Apart

03.09.2009 / Thursday / 20h
Tante Käthe / Bernauer Strasse 63/64 / Next to Mauerpark / 10335 Berlin
Open Air Screening [Indoors if Bad Weather]
€5 [incl. mono.kultur #21]

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  1. here & now › DAVID SHRIGLEY AND PRINGLE OF SCOTLAND on Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 08:28

    [...] next campaign with Tilda Swinton who is featured in our current issue and star of tonight’s mono.klub #25 film [...]