Saturday, 05.09.2009, will see a 12h-marathon of 60 independent publishers gathering under the roofs of our friends at Motto Bookshop and Chert Gallery to present their combined efforts in making the world of magazines a more exciting place. Curated by Motto, Rollo Press and Nieves – all Swiss, for some reason. What is it with the Swiss and design? Anyway, expect an eclectic mix ranging from photocopied fanzines to high quality experiments in printing, from funky to intellectual, from A as in Archive Books to Z as in Werkplaats Typography. Personally, I’m kind of curious what’s up with Nazi Knife and why a French magazine would want to be named Kaugummi. This is also your chance to catch up on any missing issues in your collection of mono.kultur, as well as our editions and everything else we have ever committed to. So there.
Unter dem Motto
Saturday, 05 September 2009
12h – 24h
Skalitzer Strasse 68
10997 Berlin
U1 Schlesisches Tor