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vibskovFashion prankster Henrik Vibskov will be showing some graphic works tomorrow at Pool Gallery in Berlin. If you don’t know what to make of Vibskov, neither do we. Some adore him, others can’t take him seriously, while we’re just puzzled. But our guess is, this is exactly the way he likes it.

Nonetheless, let the facts speak for themselves: Henrik Vibskov has been highly successful with his fashion, presenting his collections in Paris, but also exhibiting his artwork in places such as PS1 or the Palais de Tokyo, whilst collaborating on musical projects with the likes of Anders Trentemøller and Mikael Simpson. But don’t let the facts fool you – come and see for yourselves tomorrow night. Let us know what you think.

Henrik Vibskov: Graphic Works
06 February – 06 March 2010
Pool Gallery
Tucholskystrasse 38
10117 Berlin