Last night, I stopped by the opening of 177 Livingston, a terrific new space in downtown Brooklyn. This long-empty storefront will house three wonderful organizations: the online magazine Triple Canopy, the electronic arts gallery Light Industry, and the New York incarnation of the Public School, a “a school with no curriculum” with chapters in Los Angeles, Brussels, and Puerto Rico (among other cities). These groups are all doing really exciting things, and 177 Livingston has a great line-up of events coming up. This coming Thursday, the Public Room is holding a class of particular interest to those working with the printed word. Called “The Page + The Screen: Siting Text in the Early 21st Century and Beyond,” it’s taught by Bob Stein and Dan Visel of the Institute for the Future of the Book, and will examine where print can go with the advent of digital media. Light Industry also has a ton of screenings coming up, from Bela Lugosi to “The All-Around Reduced Personality,” by the German filmmaker Helke Sander. Just the kind of stuff to drag one’s mind out of the winter doldrums.
177 Livingston
Brooklyn NY 11201
Photography by 177 Livingston