As a big fan of order and indexing (don’t call me neurotic!) I’m very excited about the following book: Leanne Shapton – Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion and Jewelry.
Made up like an auction catalogue that features personal belongings of two normal people, it’s a work of fiction but seems like a voyeuristic documentary. Much more than just an index of items, letters and photographs, you feel the real pain of the author who wants to appear just as the storyteller. It somehow reminds me of two projects by conceptual artist Sophie Calle, Douleur Exquise and Take Care of Yourself that deal with relationship break-ups as well. By making everything that happened and finally led to the separation extremely public, then deal with the time after the break-up with a daily interview of another person who experienced something terrible and making it part of a vast collection of stories, the artist manages to come to terms and finally move on with her life.
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[...] Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion, and Jewelry which I have mentioned here before. She recently started writing a column titled We Three Things for T (New York Times Style [...]