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I guess the flaw with Berlin’s Fashion Week is that it’s always being compared to Paris, New York or London – traditional fashion capitals that Berlin obviously cannot compete with, for a variety of reasons. So it’s really nice when designers don’t even try to live up to any misplaced expectations but instead solve an issue in a playful, creative and simply charming way. And thus, instead of staging a labourious and expensive fashion show, our friends at Reality Studio take their new collection on the road: on Wednesday, they will be cycling items from the Spring Summer 2011 collection around town, with various stops along the way. Now this is the kind of thing we would like to see more of, when Berliners just do it their own way.

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  1. [...] propio que la hace de visita obligada. Un ejemplo: este año, y a modo de disparatazo inicial, unas peculiares bicicletas de diseño se pasearán el miércoles por toda la ciudad dando a conocer a los berlineses la tendencia [...]