Accept the good – this is the mantra of Abigail Crompton from Third Drawer Down. Abi has just become a member of the inaugural Australian, The Enriched List! You’ve heard of Rich Lists but how about The Enriched List?
“The Enriched List highlights people who are using their skills, talents and dreams to give more out, get more back, and realise their potential. For many on the list, their goals are not just living sustainably (environmentally, socially or financially), but living more rewarding lives. Individual achievement rarely occurs without a helping hand and that’s what we found with those here – neither self-made nor self-centred, they are a part of something bigger – and perhaps that’s what makes them enriched.” comments Mark McCrindle, Social Researcher. “The members of the Enriched List explore their passions, take them to the next level and inspire others to do so too.”
Other countries have Enriched Lists too – here’s this year’s UK Enriched List – check out the amazing avant-garde bespoke jellies created by Bompas & Parr pictured below…