Dear Friends,
Christmas can be a tricky time: so many things to finish up before the end of the year, so many presents to take care of. But don’t you worry, we’re here to help. This Saturday, we will stage our very first Christmas sale together with Motto, and because it’s cold, we will even come right to you, in the middle of all the winter shopping mayhem, at the lovely SystM on Torstrasse, Berlin.
Expect some beautiful womenswear by our very own imprint mono.gramm for your girlfriend, sister, grandmother; everything a certain interview magazine has to offer in terms of magazines, posters and bags for, oh, pretty much everyone; and of course lots and lots of nifty books and printed matter selected by our friends at Motto for, well, everyone else. So there, dozens and dozens of great gifts to treat your loved ones and possibly even yourself, because why not, and best of all: none of all that annoying Christmas chichi. Just sheer goodness, and a bit of quiet for a hot coffee at Café SystM. Because nice clothes make you look good, and nice books make you look smart.
mono.markt #01
Systm Berlin
Torstrasse 68
10119 Berlin
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[...] some hot stuff for christmas – this Saturday at Monomarkt in [...]
[...] Weihnachtsgeschenken zu gehen, denn am kommenden Samstag, den 18. Dezember, findet der erste mono.markt von 12 bis 20 Uhr in der Bar und zugleich Galerie Systm Berlin statt. mono.kultur bietet hier [...]