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I have a strange fascination and fondness of all things mystical like star signs and oracles (all with a longing to want to know what my future might hold?) so it comes really as little surprise that I’ve recently signed up to get forecasts of my future from the fabulous Miranda July of mono.kultur #16.

“This is an oracle like any other oracle, like the I Ching or astrology or Tarot cards – a technique for divining your future. The only real difference is that those are very old methods and this one is very new. But there was a first day for Tarot cards too, and the best friend of the person who invented them felt just like you do, suuuuper skeptical. (Especially since the Tarot card inventor kept saying things like “Oh, that card’s not quite done yet” and “I’m gonna change that part”.)” And please also note, “This service is only available for a limited time, i.e., I can’t really see doing this for the rest of my life. Occasionally you will receive the same future again. This probably means you didn’t really take it to heart properly the first time. It is no less true when it comes again.”

I’m also exited to see her new film The Future.