Vienna-based sociologist Christina Lammer initiates an unusual experiment in a lecture hall at Charité hospital:
The auditorium is transformed into a theater space and plastic surgeon Manfred Frey, internist Michael Häfner, abdominal surgeon Peter Moeschl, and pediatric neurosurgeon Ulrich Thomale give lessons in the form of lecture performances and painting actions and thus provide insights into the inside of the human body and into their particular professional specialties.
What makes a person a patient today? The doctors are occupied with this and other questions as they deliver their Anatomy Lessons to the audience within the framework of this unusual half-day experiment. In medical training, drawing is used both to transfer knowledge as well as to teach the craft. Here video material on operations, instructional films on surgical procedures, and images of the inside of the body communicate in visual language the common presentation of the human body in medicine. In medicine, common presentations about the human body are communicated in visual language, and here the participating doctors slip for a short time into the role of artists.
Lecture performance and painting action
With Manfred Frey, Michael Häfner, Peter Moeschl, and Ulrich Thomale
Initiated by Christina Lammer
Saturday, June 23, 2012, 2 – 7.30 pm
Charité Campus Mitte , Hörsaal der Inneren Medizin, Sauerbruchweg 2, entrance Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin ?(free admission)
In the frame of the 7th Berlin Biennale
Christina Lammer is a Vienna-based sociologist who developed the project Anatomy Lessons for the 7th Berlin Biennale
Anatomy Lessons by Christina Lammer is a cooperation with the Association of Neuroesthetics, Berlin