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Publishing magazines seems to be a trend that just won’t go away – which is fine with us – and that also many design courses, especially in Germany, have caught onto, adding their own efforts to the mix, with varying success. One of the more interesting ones for a general public since it is built around an overall theme rather than conceived merely as a showcase for students, is the Akademische Mitteilungen published irregularly since 1996 by the Academy of Arts in Stuttgart and edited and designed by a continuously changing team.

Their latest issue #17 is focusing on the theme of obsession, featuring some promising photo stories, essays and interviews, and the likes of Stefan Marx and Genesis Breyer P-Orridge who always makes for a shockingly unattractive appearance – as well as our dearest Sissel Tolaas, who yes, fits in perfectly with the theme (even if the title of the piece sounds disappointingly familiar…). Available here.