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If there is such a thing as ‘Asian Photography’, then Li-Han Lin is living proof of a distinct eastern aesthetic – because I can’t imagine a European photographer capturing German suburbia in any way like this.

Says the Taiwanese-German artist: ‘The title of the exhibition 40723 refers to the postal code of Hilden, a little town in Germany where I was born and raised. As a kid growing up in this small town, I always dreamt of playing soccer for the German National team one day. Yet at the age of 15 I moved to the United States and ended up taking photographs for a living. I just recently moved back to Germany after having lived abroad for 18 years in the US, Taiwan and China. I wanted to document the people and the place of present days and juxtapose the photographs with photos from the past. The portraits are mainly of my mother now, who in the past took photos of me. It is a personal photo tribute to the person that raised me.’

The series is on view as of tonight at Berlin’s photography gallery Pavlov’s Dog, and highly recommended.

Li-Han Lin: 40723
24 May – 22 June 2013
Opening: 23 May 2013 / 19h

Pavlov’s Dog
Space for Photography
Bergstrasse 19

10115 Berlin

All photography by Li-Han Lin