It was of course only a matter of time until someone invented something like The School of Life – we all might know our history dates and our algebra, but how to sustain a meaningful relationship? How to navigate daily life with all its pitfalls and uncertainties? These and many more questions that we all struggle with on a daily basis are tackled by The School of Life, a cultural think tank of sorts founded by writer and philosopher Alain de Botton, that offers advice on all kinds of relevant dilemmas of modern life, in all kinds of different formats, from lectures and courses to rather fantastic blog content to even a range of How to-books – but with a refreshingly lop-sided angle, as in How to Worry Less About Money. What’s more, being British, our daily tragedies are approached with a wink of the eye, daring us to see conflict as challenge, and life as something exciting and fun.

You have arrived at by mono.kultur magazine. is a rather eclectic summary of the things that are currently on our collective minds.
mono.kultur #49:
Santiago Sierra
- advent
- advertising
- analog
- animals
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- anniversary
- architecture
- art
- australia
- berlin
- blogs
- Body
- books
- cars
- catastrophes
- celebrities
- chance encounters
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- choice
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- events
- excerpts
- exhibitions
- failure
- fashion
- festivals
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- friends
- future
- Game
- good news
- Good night stories A–Z
- gossip
- gravity
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- history
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- Kreuzberg
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- literature
- live
- london
- love
- luxury
- magazines
- manners
- marketing
- mathematics
- memory
- mishmash
- mondays
- money
- mono.editionen
- mono.gramm
- mono.graphie
- mono.klub
- mono.konsum
- mono.kultur
- mono.log
- mono.markt
- mono.punkt
- music
- mystery
- nature
- new media
- new york
- news
- night
- nostalgia
- obsession
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- performance
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- play
- poetry
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- products
- publications
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- recommendations
- releases
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- resistance
- rest
- reviews
- revolution
- rhythm
- Rome
- science
- sculpture
- secrets
- series
- smell
- society
- sound
- space
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- speed
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- Uncategorized
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- writing
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- July 2009
- 032c
- a magazine
- aaron rose
- åbäke
- ai weiwei
- alva noto
- anna haas
- anni’s
- anp quarterly
- aoki takamasa
- apartamento
- archizines
- atelier bernd kuchenbeiser
- azita
- berlin unlike
- bless
- bureau mario lombardo
- carson chan
- carsten nicolai
- Christina Taphorn
- common office
- corduroy
- corner college
- david adjaye
- david lachapelle
- david shrigley
- dent-de-leone
- do you read me?!
- dominik gigler
- dreck
- dries van noten
- ecm records
- ein magazin über orte
- eva gonçalves
- family los angeles
- fantastic man
- françois ozon
- frank leder
- frieze
- gila kaplan
- Grizzly Bear
- hugo hoppmann
- i like my style
- i love that photo
- it’s nice that
- jessica bentele
- john mccusker
- kitsuné
- koi klub
- kompakt
- konst & teknik
- le gun
- learning to love you more
- lineto
- lodown
- magculture
- magtastic
- Mainstudio
- manuel raeder
- manystuff
- Martino Gamper
- Matt Willey
- mcsweeney’s
- mike mills
- miranda july
- modern activity
- modern journal
- motto
- mr & mrs smith
- mr cannon
- mvrdv
- needles & pens
- Neue Berliner Räume
- nine inch nails
- no zines
- node
- ommu
- ooga booga
- Pia Hartmann
- pin-up
- Port
- post poetics
- pro qm
- program
- purple
- raster-noton
- reala
- ricardo bofill
- Robert Montgomery
- ryan mcginley
- showstudio
- stil in berlin
- stuart hobday
- sue kwon
- taryn simon
- Terre Thaemlitz
- textfield
- the believer
- the sads
- third drawer down
- tina dicarlo
- tiny vices
- trifeca
- trockenbrot
- utrecht
- vela arbutina
- vice versa
- wu-tang clan