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The Gonz Goes Berlin

Anyone who’s ever been into skateboarding knows Mark Gonzales aka The Gonz, who happens to be a (dyslexic) poet and artist as well, and not even going into details about all the other (skate-related) things happening in Berlin this week, there’s going to be a photo exhibit (see flyer below) dedicated to the man who was stunning like this some 22 years ago… and remains stunning to this very day.

One Comment

  1. Juan wrote:

    I’ll definitely visit the photo exhibit, thanks for sharing this. When I saw that video for the first time (18 years ago) I had no idea who he was, it could be said that he’s the reason why I started skating. That video was (I think it still is) awesome.

    Thursday, July 4, 2013 at 08:59 | Permalink