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We’re thrilled to be included in the coffee table book The Modern Magazine by magCulture’s Jeremy Leslie, taking an in-depth look at the diverse world of contemporary publishing (fittingly, in the opening section titled ‘What is a magazine?’). A must-have for any editorial afficionado, it provides a thorough examination of the debate of print versus the Internet, proclaiming a new golden age for publishing. And if you happen to be based in London, treat yourself to a day at the launch conference, including a mouth-watering line-up including the likes of Tyler Brulé, Richard Turley and Penny Martin.

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  1. here & now › VISUAL JOURNALISM IN THE DIGITAL ERA on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 11:33

    [...] mentioned The Modern Magazine by magCulture’s Jeremy Leslie before – if in Berlin, come and hear the man himself talk about his views on the ‘New Golden Era [...]