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Time to unconnect

This is not new, in fact Aram Bartholl’s concept of the Silver Cell is ten years old now. But as personal data management is likely to become common sense just like safe sex has in the 80s, the concept of this connectivity condom reminds us that we should all start looking into which data we produce and how to avoid privacy risks.

The annual Chaos Computer Conference turned 30 this year, and it’s more political than ever. Check out Jacob Applebaum’s talk on surveillance. Also ask for Dave Egger’s ‘The Circle’ at your local book store.

One Trackback/Pingback

  1. here & now › Smart New World Exhibition on Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 09:27

    [...] as well as the impact of the Internet on our structures of thinking and knowing. We’ve thought about the risks of digital before earlier this year during the CCC’s 30th anniversary. So, leave your smartphone at home on friday and have an [...]