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anpqIt’s become a trend among fashion companies and others aspiring to being considered hip to launch their own magazine – alas, they’re rarely worth the paper they’re printed on, copying and pasting what’s already out there. There’s one noble exception, though, which goes by the name of ANP Quarterly and is entirely sponsored by American streetwear label RVCA. I suppose the difference lies in their admirably brave and modest approach: outsource the project to people who are actually forward-thinking rather than backward-looking; gather an excellent editing team around Aaron Rose, Brendan Fowler and Ed Templeton, and give them carte blanche to do whatever they see fit.

The outcome is an oversized publication full of excellent interviews with the likes of Miranda July or Will Oldham; a great mix of street and skate culture, fine art and music; great photography and just a general feeling of being spot-on. Weirdly enough, it feels fiercely independent, more so than a lot of other titles. Oh, and it also avoids fashion editorials – there’s not a single item of RVCA in the current issue. ANPQ is distributed for free across the US, but you can also find it in some select bookstores across Europe or simply just subscribe.

Photography by Todd Cole

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  1. here & now › SCHADENFREUDE IM SCHATTENREICH on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 14:26

    [...] of contributors/collaborators: It’s always great to see Aaron Rose (and his band The Sads) come to town – not only for special events, but also just for laughs [...]