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I have started writing this post about twelve hours ago, but since my internet went down (and stayed like that all day) I had to re-write the original ‘Jens Lekman, the Swedish indie pop musician and song writer is playing tonight at Lido club, Berlin. There are still some tickets available and you can buy them at koka36‘ into a post-concert really short post just to say that it was definitely one of the best and engaging concerts I’ve watched lately.

And even if it’s late and we feel tired, it still feels like listening to all his CDs and stories before falling asleep.

One Comment

  1. Lorenzo wrote:

    an hour or so after the gig ended, there still were 20/30 people outside the venue — on stage he kinda promised he would have played something on the street later, and he did: three more songs to end an already great evening. he’s simply the best, better than all the rest, better than anyone, anyone i’ve ever met.

    Friday, August 13, 2010 at 10:37 | Permalink