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Always by your side

If you consider drinking tea a social event as well as a personal one, the decision to share the ceremony with a friend might get in the way of individual contemplation. Realizing this dilemma between the need for solitude and the wish for company could be the very moment when well-meaning friends will introduce you to the Chinese tradition of ‘Cha You’ (??), your so-called ‘Tea Friend’??.

These are unglazed clay figures (Zisha ??) which are to be placed on your tea tray along with tea pot and cup. In their company you can enjoy solitude without being alone, cherish their friendly presence but avoid any chit-chat diverting you from finding a way through the sometimes complicated mazes of thought. With each serving your friend would get a sip, too that is to be splashed all over his body. The more tea you share with him the more patina is added to his dull skin, thus proving your growing love and respect for his unique and silent company.

On first encounter my new friend looked like the grumpy child of a dragon and a toad.
But then his name came like a revelation: Kairos, the happy moment for decision making.
He is the god of opportunity, of chance. In his presence time becomes both extended and compressed. The tea spilled is not spoiled, time is measured in cups instead of minutes and decisions shall come easy.