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Let’s assume that electronica has come a long way when producers start forming trios and quartets. Ever since Jan Jelinek started looting the jazz treasure box with his seminal Loop-Finding-Jazz-Records, jazz and experimental electronics have become quite friendly while no one was looking, spawning an as yet unnamed sub genre. After his contribution to the Moritz von Oswald Trio, ambient whizz kid Vladislav Delay will present his new quartet tomorrow night – aptly named the Vladislav Delay Quartet – with the namesake curiously behind the drums, leaving the machines to his fellow countryman Mika Vainio. And all this followed one week later by another modern ensemble, Groupshow, with, you guessed it, Jan Jelinek. Nice.

Vladislav Delay: September 17, 2010 / 20h
Groupshow: September 23, 2010 / 20h

Festsaal Kreuzberg
Skalitzerstrasse 130
10999 Berlin