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Street Photography Now

A collaboration between The Photographers’ Gallery, in London, and  Sophie Howarth and Stephen McLaren, authors of Street Photography Now, the Street Photography Now Project is a terrific example of the kind of artistic collaboration and inspiration the Internet can engender. Each week, one of street photography’s most established and respected practitioners will post a prompt on the website – see Bruce Gilden’s instruction above – which participants can then interpret as widely or as narrowly as they want. They have one week to post their photographs on Flickr, before a new prompt from another photographer is posted. This past week’s instruction, from Ying Tang, is to “Turn your attention to the four-legged population.” Maybe like this.

The project will last 52 weeks, and while it is meant more as a way to promote a visual community than as a competition, at the end of the year the most outstanding contributor will be awarded £1000 in Thames & Hudson books and will have their work displayed in The Photographers’ Gallery.

Below, a selection of submissions to the Bruce Gilden Flickr group.

Get out those M4s people.

Photography, top to bottom, by Edward Jung, elivis.christ, and Slander Kwong

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  1. [...] There is a Street Photography Now Project online; more at Mono-Blog. [...]