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Since our party on Saturday night, a few people have been asking about Rangleklods, the handsome man on the microphone who entertained us at midnight. So we hereby present a mini-interview: Rangleklods is the musical project of Esben Andersen, a 25-year old from Aahrus, Denmark’s university town. He creates his music in a studio in Neukölln, where he records instrumental parts and assembles them electronically. His music is a mix of digital and analog noises, topped off with his own deep vocals. When performing live, he sings into a microphone while allowing his produced tracks to play out through samplers.

‘In time, when I’m beginning to get bored with playing alone, I would like to get more people to join,’ Esben said. ‘Right now it really works for me to play alone. What I’m doing is a mixture of playing a live concert and a DJ set. I like people not to think about it at all.’ Since starting about a year ago, Esben has created about ten tracks, enough for an hour-long performance. He has released several of the songs through his Soundcloud page, and has plans for a full album.

The name, he says, is intentionally unrecognizable. ‘I wanted to call it something that was meaningless, because I was tired of band names, ‘The’ names. Because I found that as soon as there was some sort of meaning in the name, you projected it into the music. I wanted people to not have an idea of what the name was about. It’s an anti-name. It’s not even a word in Danish. It’s two words put together. It’s something that is personal to me in a way that doesn’t make any sense to anybody else.’

You heard it here first.