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As online forums for printed matter abound, here’s a nice archive of a slightly different kind: Archizines is run by Elias Redstone of London’s renowned Architecture Foundation and presents titles from all over the word that deal with, obviously, architecture. With dozens and dozens of magazines dedicated to the genre, many of which we’ve never heard of before, it’s another point in case that print is nowhere near extinction just yet. With a traveling exhibition and symposiums in the planning, the online archive is just the starting point before reintroducing the collection into the analogue world. Oh, and there’s one publication featured that we’re very familiar with, running under the strange name of mono.kultur

2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. here & now › ARCHIZINO MILANO on Friday, January 27, 2012 at 07:14

    [...] might not be new, but there are few who pursue this with such vigour as Elias Redstone with his Archizines collection, gathering a rather excellent selection of printed matter on architecture. Previously on [...]

  2. here & now › ARCHIZINES BERLIN on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 03:30

    [...] mentioned Archizines, an online archive for architecture periodicals, before, and editor Elias Redstone has done a great job touring the collection around the world in one [...]