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Eastern Germany is an interesting place full of contradictions: for instance, on one hand some of the best art and design schools are based in the east, and yet there’s surprisingly little infrastructure in terms of galleries and design stores. ‘Work Don’t Cry’ is the noteworthy motto of our friends over at 032c, because self-initiative is the best remedy – in this case taken to heart by the undefatigable initiators of Artzines blog, who took matters in their own hands and organized an exhibition on self-published magazines at dieschön­estadt gal­lery in Halle, opening this Friday, and showcasing the latest issues of mono.kultur among many others.

I’ve Zine the Dark­ness
June 4th – 11th 2011
Open­ing: June 3rd from 20h

Am Stein­tor 19
06112 Halle (Saale)