2011 has been a year of the worldwide social protests. North African countries have overthrown their despots, but now they are facing equally significant challenges. Is the moment of the overthrow of the dictator a right moment to end protests? Eastern European countries, such as Belarus and Russia, have not yet witnessed the mass protests against corrupt governments. But, albeit different, these countries also awkwardly stand in front of problems and questions of the very beginning of the transformation processes.
What is the European Union’s official strategy towards Belarus? What are the political and economic expectations for Belarus and, also, for the new candidate countries? What is required and what are the possible consequences? The example of Poland shows us how the very process of transformation and neoliberal reforms in politics and business impacts the social life, now we can take a critical look on it and raise questions. What would be the lessons for today Belarus and other countries where transformation processes has just already started? Can we imagine a different scenario of political and economic transformation?
Today, March 20, 2012, 7 pm:
Political Transformation (into Democracy)
Krytyka Politycna in Berlin #5
Event in the frame of the 7th Berlin Biennale
KW Institute for Contemporary Art , Auguststrasse 69, 10117 Berlin
Olga Karatch (Director of the nongovernmental organization ‘Nasz Dom’)
Marina Naprushkina (Artist, Director of The Office Antipropaganda)
Gisela Neunhoffer (Author „Neoliberal Hegemony: A Global Critique”)
Martin Schibli (Curator, Kalmar konstmuseum)
Agnieszka Wi?niewska (Krytyka Polityczna)
Moderated by Zdravka Bajovic (7th Berlin Biennale)
Admission: 1 Euro
Photo of Cairo by Joanna Warsza