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The word to cure the world. A praise for Broken Dimanche Press

In the beginning was the word and the man didn’t know how to use it.
Expelled from Paradise, he kept erratically wandering, expanding and populating, while the world grew old, hurt and tired. The dawn of the days approaches, unless we look for the cure.
The administration of prescribed word compounds, in exact and very precise quantities might be a solution, and that’s what Broken Dimanche Press‘ edition of Morten Søndergaard’s Wordpharmacy tells me; something as simple as the word might be the cure to the world.
Indeed, let european economies fail, let the countries and the boundaries fall, as long as we can still speak to each other, sing and claim poetry out loud, we will still be human.

Wordpharmacy is not the usual book you buy, read and give back to your shelf. If you buy it, you’ll be acquiring a set of ten small medicine boxes, which you will have to open one by one, patiently unfold the leaflet and put your enlarging glasses to read the small size writings. Each of the boxes represents one word group (interjections, verbs, adjectives, numerals and so on) and the practical and technical information is discreetly replaced with an instructional poem that extends the efficiency of the original leaflet while still guiding the readers’ ingestion of the given word group.

Though it’s frequent (as frequent as daily, indeed) that we come to hear about new independent publishing efforts, it’s also something close to a rule, that a big percentage of those projects, end up disappearing and falling into complete oblivion sooner or later. And that, we believe, is happening due to a total reborn of the love for print, to the extent that there is so much content out there right now that it becomes hard to keep up to date. And therefore few publishing projects meet true success and last.
The projects that fall in this group are the ones successful enough in distinguishing themselves from their surroundings, and if Broken Dimanche Press is accountable for other things else than publishing great books/editions is also by the capacity of establishing itself as one of the most promising publishing projects currently out there.
The recipe for the success? The simple combination of interesting subjects, I would say, with intriguing and captivating writing, amazingly well designed editions, a very good promotion work, a good dose of surprise, and most of all, the humbleness of not trying to be more than what it already is — a very good publishing project.

And since there’s no time to waste, another book has just been published: Mountainislandglacier, a compilation or art, writing and investigation that departs from the event of Eyjafjallajökull in May 2010, edited by the group ‘Correspondence from Eyjafjallajökull’.