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Triple Re-Up

Film buffs Diedrich Diedrichsen, Daniel Eschkötter, and Simon Rothöhler have done what you should’ve done a long time ago: they sat down to seriously reflect on what they saw on TV, and wrote a little something about the now-mainstream awesomeness of HBO or NBC classics such as The Wire (Eschkötter), The Sopranos (Diedrichsen) and The West Wing (Rothöhler). Published by diaphanes, these pocket-sized 100-page booklets might come a little late, but it’s still fascinating to dive back into these epic shows via explanatory chapters such as “All In The Game/Zusammenhänge” (The Wire) or “Krankenhäuser und Beerdigungen” (The Sopranos): “Immer gibt es neben den professionell Trauernden eine hemmungslos Schluchzende, oft eine Mutter, die sich, wenn sie Pech hat, Tonys Standardspruch ‘It’s sad when they go so young’ anhören muss.” Don’t miss the official launch event (with all three authors + Hanno Leichtmann aka Static) this Thursday at Berlin’s .HBC (8pm)