Pringle of Scotland – Animation by David Shrigley from NeutralZurich on Vimeo.
Everyone loves David Shrigley drawings. At least a lot of people do. I really like this one (which by complete coincidence can be bought in various forms through mono.konsum). If you like David Shrigely drawings, you’ll really really like David Shrigley animations; even the BBC does–and it is so posh. Because animations are usually 12 frames per second, so it is like seeing a whole lot of his drawings in a minute pretty much. And by like, I mean It Is. And if you really like the way this post is written, then you’d really really really like that animation right up there. Not because the narrator speaks funny kind of like I do in this post or because cardigans are so useful all the time, but because David Shrigley is so cool.