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Book Praline

This book might be plain looking from the outside, but it contains – hoho! – the most beautiful German book design of the year 2013, elected and published by Stiftung Buchkunst.

In haptic and visual terms it is a masterpiece itself: once you’ve opened the grey shell a rich bronze colored and textured cover appears and the following pages, all saturated black, give you a glossy glimpse of the award winning books, one gleaming coverpage on each side. Following the finger symbol indicating a higher page number below, you get a preview of each books content on mat and a little rougher black paper. Among pralines this book would be probably the one with the bitter crisp chocolate cover outside and the sweet, creamy inside, containing some crunchy little caramel nuts from which you can hardly get enough …bite the shell and you will want all of the precious creamy inside and its crunchy surprises, such as Intuition and Lange Liste,…