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The online accreditation to the preview of the 8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art closes this Thursday, May 1, 2014 – so don’t be late!

Juan A. Gaitán, curator of this year’s edition of the Berlin Biennale, about the exhibition:
“The 8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art will bring together a range of local and international artistic positions that explore the intersection between larger historical narratives and individuals’ lives. Thus, the 8th Berlin Biennale aims to counterpoise the empirical and the authoritative approaches to history and historical becoming. The research for the 8th Berlin Biennale is structured along three speculative approaches toward the city of Berlin: in its relationship to the built environment, in its relationship to citizenship, and in its relationship to labor. Another focus lies on ways in which the 18th and 19th century Berlin is contemplated within our current cultural landscape.”

8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art
Press Preview: 27.–28.5.2014, 10 am–6 pm
Professional Preview: 28.5.2014, 10 am–6 pm
Public Opening: 28.5.2014, 7–10 pm
Dates: 29.5.–3.8.2014

Museen Dahlem – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Lansstraße 8, 14195 Berlin
Haus am Waldsee, Argentinische Allee 30, 14163 Berlin
KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Auguststraße 69, 10117 Berlin
Crash Pad, c/o KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Auguststraße 69, 10117 Berlin

Further information about the 8th Berlin Biennale can be found here.
The accreditation form can be found here.