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Wondrous and wonderful Miranda July has just announced for January 15 the release of her first novel (which she already mentioned in our issue way back in, geez, 2008), The First Bad Man, which, according to the press blurb, is ‘a spectacular debut novel that is so heartbreaking, so dirty, so tender, so funny—so Miranda July.’

Weirdly, the First Bad Man Store has already opened where you can buy all kinds of knick knack that presumably relates to the story. We haven’t quite decided if this marks a new desperate twist on how to promote books (in times where authors plan films, video games and treasure hunts alongside), or if it’s just a charming idea. This being Miranda July, we assume the latter, and it’s all going to make sense next year.

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  1. here & now › MIRANDA ON THE ROCKS on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 10:02

    [...] really happy at the moment?’ – but wondrous Miranda, currently on promotion for her first novel, is thankfully her gracefully charming old self. This was written by kvr. Posted on Saturday, [...]

  2. here & now › TRUISM OF THE DAY 38: MIRANDA JULY on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 09:29

    [...] since the release of her first novel, The First Bad Man, there seems to be an abundance of interviews with the wondrous and wonderful Miranda July, and [...]