Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Now that you’ve seen us dancing to some unlikely tunes (last week, thanks to Chris Taylor), why not talk about Robert Sylvester Kelly for a minute: He may or may not be about to drop a memoir, amazingly titled Soula Coaster: The Diary Of Me (he is the true head of headlines, you know?), and [...]
A nice observation from MORE & CO.
Two good wholesome productive uses for self-consciousness:
Laughs: this is juuuust what my last kiss looked like; and
Good writing: self-consciousness can be lucid and acute, and can get to the heart of important invisible things. This article by Edwin Dobb is kindof about kissing, but it also tries to give an account of modern romance between [...]
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Elizabeth “Connie” Converse disappeared in 1974, leaving behind a haunting body of recorded music that would remain virtually unheard for the next 35 years…
We love a good interview, and this one is wonderful. John Gardner was a novelist and critic, but he was also a teacher and a human, in the very best way. His writing about writing is generous, practical and principled. The Paris Review compiled the interview from four separate interviews conducted by Paul F. Ferguson, John [...]
Two weeks back, a few of us had this semi-serious discussion about whether or not art should generally make you think about your own mortality, whether it should sort of transport you to a place that’s indeed a bit closer to that terminal breath – or not. Obviously, we didn’t come to a conclusion that [...]
Remember Metal? It’s back: Tonight in Berlin, and featuring producer Natalie Portman in theaters soon. Oh, and Rap ain’t dead either.
Leo Steinberg, a giant of 20th century art history, died last Sunday, at home in New York. Steinberg revolutionized the practice of his chosen field, pushing the analysis of art out of Greenbergian formalism by insisting on the importance of context and meaning.. His classic, foundational texts, including the essays collected in Other Criteria: Confrontations [...]
Many of our international subscribers will find the new mono.issue in their mailbox these days. Without telling too much about the inside of the envelope, a remark on its outside: We were quite happy to notice wisdom doesn’t stop in fortune cookies, the €1-stamps quote low-German poet Fritz Reuter:
‘Wenn einer dauhn deit, wat hei deiht, [...]
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