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Search Results for: shabazz


We’ve mentioned it before, but since it’s all grey and rainy outside, more time for the inside, and what better moment to have a little peek into Shabazz Palaces latest and rather brilliant album Black Up – a certain someone’s favourite album of the year, and that’s saying something.

Endeavors for Never (The last time we spoke you said you were not here. I saw you though.)

Experience the best album released this year – live in Germany, Australia, or elsewhere. Again.

200 People Dipped In Blackness Making Clouds Forming Altered Carbon

(We) came in the door/(we) said it before vs. (our) body traveled, our mind (…) behind the music – thanks, Palaceer, for the best concert so far in 2011. And see you soon.


I truly love those rare moments when you are, say, at a bar or a friend’s house or maybe in a car somewhere, and you hear a track that will simply and without warning take your breath away – preferably by someone you have never had the pleasure of encountering before. Please meet [...]

Blast from the past

“Modernism began in the magazines“: The Modernist Journals Project. (via). What a blast…