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As we are about to finally release our first artist book with Robert Montgomery, here is a quick thank you to not just all of you who supported the project in the making, but to the platform who made it happen in the first place: Kickstarter. We can’t stress enough how grateful we are that something like Kickstarter and the many other crowdfunding platforms exist today, since the simple truth is: we couldn’t have produced this book without the generous donations we received, and we couldn’t have received the donations without Kickstarter.

Read a really interesting interview with co-founder Yancey Strickler on the principles and functionings of Kickstarter here, and then gather your ideas, put them into shape, and test them out. We have nothing but positive things to report – it has worked magic for us.

Photo: Dresden Dolls’ Amanda Palmer raised over $1 million for her new album on Kickstarter