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Well, it has taken us a whole weekend to get over our collective hangovers from last Thursday, and what a wonderful launch evening it turned out to be. Thank you everyone for coming, thank you Stattbad Wedding for the wonderful location, thank you Oliver, Erik and Monique for the beautiful sound, thank you Pampero Colectivo for quenching our thirst, and thank you Neue Berliner Räume for making it all happen in the first place.

And a very special thank you to our printers at Bunter Hund Berlin, who delivered the first 100 copies of our book with Robert Montgomery half an hour before the doors opened – just in time as usual. For everyone who is keen to get their hands on the book, and all our loyal supporters at Kickstarter: allow us a few more days for the book to be ready for shipping, it is coming up (and it looks amazing…)!

One Comment

  1. looking forward to getting Roberts book in!!

    Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 00:27 | Permalink

3 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. here & now › SNIPPETS OF MONTGOMERY on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 03:32

    [...] brief interview with Robert Montgomery and some more nice images of our launch evening over at Art [...]

  2. [...] Robert Montgomery came all the way from London to join us for the release of our shared publication Echoes of Voices in the High Towers a few weeks ago, it seemed only fair [...]

  3. here & now › PEAKS AND PERKS #03: 2012 IN BERLIN MOMENTS on Friday, December 28, 2012 at 03:41

    [...] closed down in the early 90s and since has been converted into a cultural space, where we held our memorable launch for our first artist book with Robert Montgomery. During the evening, one Israeli student came up [...]