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Category Archives: society


#Occupygezi attracts more and more support from all over the world. Berlin residents can show solidarity tonight by joining the fundraising event Weeboogie 4 Istanbul, with musical support by Juke Ellington, Salute and Paul Pre. Resist with music and pizza!
Weeboogie 4 Istanbul
At Chesters / 10 pm
Glogauer Str. 2, 10999 Berlin


Protests in Turkey are going on while the type of gas used by the police is constantly changing. First it was burning eyes, make one puke; then the one that hurts the skin… The last but not least is affecting the ability to think properly. Bring it on Mr. President!
The violence of the police increase. [...]

Supernatural Strategies…for making a Rock’n'Roll Group.

The Rock’n’roll group has long mystified and shocked through pageantry, or distaste there of; if ever it even gave a damn. For decades now, this ‘genre’ of Rock’n’roll keeps going, recycling itself or scrapping [nearly] everything and starting again. Like Jazz, rock is everywhere now. Peculiar partnerships are found throughout its history. Social, political [...]


The Image Atlas is a recent project by Taryn Simon, and her first venture into the digital realm, but bearing all her signature interests in politics, society, cultural differences and visual representation. Based on a simple premise: if we experience the world more and more through the Internet, and through images in particular, what impact [...]


Parallel Lines (…That Should Have Never Crossed) is a personal photographic gesture on a general sense of unease in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008 when, for just a moment, the underlying power structures of our modern societies were exposed by the failure of the economic system to maintain [...]


Utopias and dystopias have generated  several scenarios throughout the history related with spaces. In order to search for new perspectives Crap=Good collaborated with theorists, artists and architectural offices as well as several participants invited by an open-call. As a result of this attempt, now, we can interact with the book ‘What is the future of architecture?‘ in Motto Berlin [...]


Fashion exhibitions are a difficult feat, even though they are wildly popular in terms of visitor numbers. And yet, clothes behind vitrines somehow mostly miss the point. A slightly different approach is taken by the ethnic Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt, where tonight the exhibition Trading Style will open: presenting not only more than 500 fashion [...]


As we are about to finally release our first artist book with Robert Montgomery, here is a quick thank you to not just all of you who supported the project in the making, but to the platform who made it happen in the first place: Kickstarter. We can’t stress enough how grateful we are that [...]


The Berlinische Galerie stages the world’s first comprehensive exhibition of art photography in the GDR. Twenty years after the Wall, The Shuttered Society identifies traditions and trends while illustrating shifts in visual idiom and theme.
The retrospective thus contributes to the present discourse about photography that has unfolded in recent years with a flurry of exhibitions [...]


Only on view until tomorrow, October 21, 2012, noon – 7 pm:
Wael Shawky. Al Araba Al Madfuna
Recipient of the Ernst Schering Foundation Art Award 2011
KW Institute for Contemporary Art
Auguststrasse 69, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Photo: Wael Shawky, Cabaret Crusades: The Path to Cairo, 2012
Courtesy the artist and Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut / Hamburg